Jul 21, 2019
Top tips for family outings this summer
So Summer holidays have begun and we are starting to worry! As much as we love to spend time with our families, 6 weeks is a long time!...

Jun 6, 2019
Person Centred Learning.
Since writing my dissertation on Additional Learning Needs many years ago, I've always been interested in how much input ALN pupils have...

Jul 22, 2018
Clearing the Fog with Direct Payments
According to research in October 2017 by Cerebra, there are 147,336 adults that are eligible for Direct Payments in Wales. Out of that...

Jul 22, 2018
Special Sports Festival
Some of our adult Weds team were incredibly lucky to attend the Swansea Special Sports Festival today. I'm very proud of them - for many...

Jun 29, 2018
Exciting News!
We've been very quiet recently as we've had lots of work going on behind the scenes! Firstly, We are thrilled to announce that our CanDo...

Mar 20, 2018
A crazy week of learning!
Hi! So this week has been a week of learning! I've has been incredibly busy training in London - Yoga For Cerebral Palsy and PMLD. What...